
Monday, April 18, 2011

Small progress is still the right direction

Between rain and busy life, not much happened on the addition this week, but every small step forward is progress.

The wiring inspection passed so on Wednesday, Ed started putting in the insulation.

Friday, Ed moved dirt and stones around to prepare for pouring the concrete porch and walk.

He had lots of help!

On Saturday, I spent the day at a homeschool curriculum fair with a friend. The day was almost too much fun for two book lovers! Homeschooling gives such a good excuse to buy more books!

Between caring for the children and two more inches of rain, Ed didn't get too much done but managed to almost finish the insulation.

For a review...

Above is the before photo.

And this is today.


  1. It is looking sooo good--I know you are so excited! Have a blessed Monday!

  2. so exciting!!! what are you going to use the new room for? YES with all this rain i'm sure it's a bit frustrating to work on an addition. and i can't even imagine all the MUD! so blessed to see the SUN this morning!!!

  3. Your home is looking wonderful!!! I bet you are excited to start using all that new space:)

  4. Slow and steady wins the race.

    It really looks good, Gina! =)

  5. Oh I know you will be so glad when it is finished. It's always nice to have a little more room:) Gina, I tried to make your potato bread and I was wondering is the dough suppose to be very sticky? Mine was and I added more flour and then it was a little coarse, still good, just more dense than yours appeared to be. I guess I'll have to keep trying. Thanks again for sharing your bread baking with us, so aspiring bread bakers like me, can learn more from seasoned bread bakers like you. God Bless

  6. hi gina
    it looks sooooooooo wonderful.
    i like your porch!!!
    have a wonderful week,

  7. Bek -
    The addition will be a family room that opens up to our dining room and kitchen. You know what it is like when you come from a big family and want to have the whole family over at one time! We are really looking forward to having the space!

    Happy Momma -
    The dough is rather sticky but not unmanageable, in my opinion. But flour can vary so you may need to add more flour. Keep trying!

  8. Its looking good Gina. bet you can't wait to get in there and paint. I still like all those windows. Little faces out each one of them.

  9. Now all you need is a couple of rockin' chairs on the porch :) I'd love to have a porch like that, but around here it'd need to be screened in because of the mosquitos and blackflies. If it's cold they aren't too bad, but then who wants to spend time on the porch when it's cold?

    It looks great. Your family and Ed are doing a wonderful job.


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