
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Welcome Fall

I love living in a climate where there are four distinctly different seasons.

Usually I'm eager to enjoy the next season while dragging my feet to leave the last season. There never seems to be enough time to enjoy all that a season has to offer.

But not this time. I've never been so eager to see a season end. The unrelenting heat and drought of this summer can not end too soon!

Not that this summer is giving up easily. Usually by now we are enjoying crisp fall days, but today it hit 88 degrees. At least the night temperature has been cooling down since I refuse to turn on the air conditioning. And we still desperately need rain.

But I have fall on the brain and am choosing to believe that cool weather is soon approaching.

To me, the best part of fall is hot drinks. I'm not a coffee drinker but in cool weather Ed and I will often enjoy a mug of cocoa or tea after we put the children to bed at night. There is just something comforting about a hot mug in  your hand and I can understand why some nurse a coffee mug all day. Or maybe it is just time spent in the quiet moment of the day with my husband that I really enjoy!

Add in a scented candle

and a few pumpkins (the only two survivors from the patch) and the picture is complete.

Oops! Can't forget the apple pie!

I finally went to the orchard and bought some apples this week. I can't believe it took me so long. I LOVE apples!

I am also spending time with a couple favorite cookbooks, making a list of all the great cool weather meals, like soups and chowders, plus all the fall desserts that I don't want to miss making. many reasons to love fall.


  1. I LOVE the fall season...don't forget homemade bread!:)

  2. I always get inspired by Susan Branch! I will have to go to my bookshelf and have a read. Thanks! Jody in Toronto

  3. Apple pie is on my mind! And it seems like I should have something special on hand if my returning travelers are hungry tonight...

  4. I love Fall and I have that same Susan Branch book. ;o)

  5. I'm with you - I love Fall - although I have to say it has started out unusually wet and cold here in the Southern Interior of British Columbia. But what I really wanted to comment on was your choice of cookbooks for your photo: I LOVE SImply in Season and ordered several dozen as give-aways for the farmers market we started here in our little community a few years back - I even wrote the publishers and suggested it be marketed as THE book for new brides - so much better than others that are marketed as such -and so much more thoughtful. BUT - and this is the point - what are the other books in the photo? One appears to be illustrated with watercolour and calligraphy - and I'm a sucker for anything so imbued with talent, love, and patience.

    I do hope you'll do a post on your favourite inspirational books soon - culinary or otherwise.

    PS. my family has greatly enjoyed your recipes for Graham crackers - who knew they could be so easy?? and your recipe for sticky buns - a great favourite of my hollow-legged uber-athletic 12 year old boy!

    Blessings to you and your family - and thank your for sharing - you give hope and inspiration and I believe this is ministry indeed.

  6. I totally agree with you. I have always loved summer. I'm always so sad to see it go... but not this year. It's just been so hot, oppressive and dry! So ready for some rainy cool days to just be cozy inside with my babies listening to the rain with some candles lit and drinking hot tea. YES! Sounds wonderful. But have plans to try to enjoy this hot day. Supposed to be in the nineties today... filled the kiddy pool one last time and I guess we'll be swimming the last weekend in September. Crazy.

  7. Lovely post, Gina! I love fall too... it's my hands-down favorite season!

  8. I do agree with you about fall. Instead of our summer being dry we have had so much rain. It seems fall is not giving up on the rain for now.

    There is something about a hot mug of cider or cocoa in the evening and just sitting and talking with your husband that is so nice.

    The cookbooks that you pictured look very good. I love to look through different cookbooks. Going to check these out. Looks like I can get the names from your picture.

  9. I've been thinking of doing some cookbook reviews (maybe one a week). Books and Food - Two of my favorite things combined! But I was afraid I'd bore you all to death!

    But since a couple of you asked about the cookbooks pictured, they are...
    The Complete Guide to Country Cooking from Taste of Home
    This book was a wedding gift that I return to frequently.

    Simply in Season by Lind and Hockman-Wert
    Recipes are organized by seasons to encourage use of fresh local produce - a winner!

    Autumn by Susan Branch
    All of Susan's Heart of the Home books are beautiful! I rarely make her recipes, but her books are inspiring just to flip through.


  10. Oh, if we could only change places for a little while- you could have all the rain you want here and I could get the warmth I'm craving.Oh the difference 3,000 miles makes. :-)

    I feel like we hardly had a summer, so I am looking forward to this next week since the weather man is telling us it's going to be in the lower 80s for the first time in almost a month! We've already been having hot tea and have lit a few fires in the evenings, so we are sure opposite from your experience!

  11. So nice of you to write an entire blog to welcome me !!
    B. Fall
    We are having cold weather out here time to think of hot chocolate and fires in the fireplace.


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