
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Enjoying God's World - April Nature Study Plans

Maybe I'd better share this month's nature study plans before the month is over.

The weather this month has had us outside at every possible moment. I haven't had to force the children to go out for a nature walk amidst groans. Since my goal for my young children is very informal nature study, I'm sure they are not even aware of how much we've learned this month. They are constantly asking questions, poking sticks into holes, and bringing me something squirmy to identify. I hope they never lose their curiosity!

April Goals (What we've done or still hope to do in the next week.)

1. Look for blossoms on the early flowering trees. (Both the showy blossoms like cherry and the more discreet blossoms on the maple trees.)

2. Dig in the ground to find earth worms and other creepy crawlers.

3. Look for tree seedlings. Dig them out and find the seed or nut.

4. Grow some sprouts to eat. (Yummy additions to our spring greens salads.)

5. Examine the roots of a plant

6. Look for more signs of spring.


  1. Your little gardeners are adorable:)

  2. Yes, science is best when it comes naturally, not in lessons. Y'all have fun! ~Liz

  3. Sweet pictures. Sometimes when my daughter would rather stay inside and play Barbies with her friends I'll make a "list" of everything I'll need them to find outside. I'll pack backpacks for all with snacks and a flashlight. They ususally don't want to come in after that ;o) Perfect adventures for older kids when the little ones are sleeping.

  4. Hi Gina
    Lovely to see your young family out gardening.
    And now that spring is well and truly arrived ( how time rushes by) I hope you will soon be enjoying lots of great produce.

  5. My kids have been enjoying the outdoors too. We finally got our little garden finished today and my 3 year old was digging for earth worms the entire time. I love to see them explore their little world. :)


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