
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Artisan Breads Every Day - final review

I'm done! Thanks for traveling with me through this journey through Peter Reinhart's Artisan Breads Every Day. I'm sure I've bored you to death, but I've made every recipe in this book. I have not tried every variation, for example, I made croissants but not chocolate croissants or danish that use the same dough. There are enough variations on many of the recipes to keep me busy for another year! But I promise I won't bore you with any more recipe reviews.

I learned so much through this book. Peter is a gifted teacher, and like his other books, it is impossible to make his recipes without improving your baking skills.
Most of these recipes are refrigerated overnight to improve flavor. At first I wasn't sure I liked this technique as it meant I had to think ahead, something I'm not always good at! But by now I'm sold! Often I would spend an hour mixing up two or three different batches of dough. The dough would all go in the fridge to be baked at leisure in the next several days. Splitting up the mixing from the baking seemed to fit a busy mom's schedule.

This method especially worked well if we were having guests. With the dough in the fridge, I could concentrate on cleaning up the house or other meal prep and still enjoy freshly baked bread with our friends.
But the best part of this book was that time and time again I was simply astounded with the results. The flavor of these breads were simply wonderful. I could bake breads before, but with this book, true artisan quality bread is within grasp.


  1. I am so glad that you DID share this journey with us. Because of it, I have added this book to my 'must buy' list. I look forward to following in your footsteps and learning more about bread baking!

    Have a great day!

  2. Hi Gina~ it all looks SO GOOD! I was looking through your older recipes and had a question on the yummy looking green bean supreme dish, if one would be using fresh green beans, would they get precooked beforehand since the dish goes in the oven??

  3. I haven't been bored at all!!!! In fact you have made me pull out my breadmachine cookbook and start trying all the different recipes and like you every time a loaf comes out I am astounded!!! Diane

  4. Gina, I have LOVED reading your reviews from the book. I have it checked out from the library, and am starting to work through it. Loving the breads that I have done so far. I'm excited to continue, and am so thankful that I can cross-reference your baking as well. Especially since you used lots of whole wheat flour. THANK YOU!

  5. Nope,not bored...loved it! And I think you should maybe consider putting an Amazon affiliate link to that book, because at least one person (me!) is inspired to buy based on all you've shared!

  6. Thanks ladies for your encouragement! I'm glad someone enjoyed it!

    Carmen - It has been a while since we've had fresh green beans, and I can't remember! I probably steamed them a little since my children don't like green beans too "crunchy"!
    Experiment and find which way your family prefers!

  7. I'll add my comments to the others who have said, 'not boring in the least,' but very informative and inspirational. Peter's book is also on my 'to buy soon' list. Love your's so practical and fun!


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