
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Easy Peach Pie

This time of year, we eat a lot of fresh fruit and even our desserts usually contain fruit. Most peach pies are baked in the oven. Not only does this add unwanted heat to the kitchen, it loses the fresh picked peach flavor. Several years ago, I tried making a peach pie with my strawberry pie recipe. We loved it and now this is the recipe that I always use!
Usually I make up a big batch of pie crusts and pre-bake them. They freeze well and are great to have on hand for whenever the urge hits for a peach pie!

My mom tried using this same recipe for raspberries. That gave me the idea of using fresh sweet cherries. Once again, we loved the fresh fruit flavor and I loved the simplicity!

Give it a try!

1 cup water
3/4 cup sugar
2 T. cornstarch
3 T. peach jello (or cherry, or strawberry, or raspberry or whatever fresh fruit you are using!)
pinch of salt
1 baked pie crust
fresh fruit to fill pie crust

Combine water, sugar, and cornstarch. Bring to boil. Remove from heat. Add jello to hot liquid. Add salt.
Place fruit in pie crust. Pour hot liquid over fruit in crust. Cool. Serve.

Hint: When cooling pie in the fridge, DO NOT cover. I always hated how the crust became soggy and found if I do not cover the pie, the crust stays nice!


  1. That is an interesting recipe. I'll have to give it a try.

  2. My mom always made her fruit pies with that recipe - only she only ever used graham cracker crusts! I've made strawberry pie using orange jello, or raspberry jello and that is good too, esp. for my hubby who doesn't like things too sweet or too tart. Pie crusts are the next thing I'd like to become less afraid of. (Now that I'm so brave and have overcome my fear of yeast breads and kneading!!!)

  3. Thanks, I need some new recipes for a project at church. It looks absolutely delicious.


  4. We love fruit pies and I just finished putting up a bu. of peaches and have a half bu. left! I think I need to make a few pies! LOL
    Ruth, PA

  5. I love this idea. I make a similar recipe for my strawberry pies but have never once thought of using it for peaches. I'm going to have to try it!

  6. This is just the kind of quick dessert that I need! How do you freeze your pie crusts? How many do you make at a time?

    I love your site! It has become one that I regularly check.

    Erin in IL

  7. Erin - I freeze my pie crusts by wrapping them well in plastic wrap, stacking them together, and placing in a large zip top bag. If the pie pans are the same size, I found that I can stack them inside each other without too much damage. I have frozen the crusts baked and unbaked with good results. How many I make at a time depends on what pie crust recipe I used. And please don't ask for my pie crust recipe because I am really not good at pie crusts and try a different method every time! Maybe some day I'll get good at it and have the perfect recipe to share - but I'm not there yet!



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