
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Whole Wheat Pizza Crust

I know that some of you have been using the pizza crust recipe that I shared last fall. I have been making it with half white flour and half whole wheat flour for some time. Every time I tried it with all whole wheat flour it seemed too dry. We eat lots of pizza which gives me ample time to experiment and I finally have figured out how to make it with all whole wheat and taste better then ever!

1 cup warm water
1 T yeast
Dissolve yeast in water.

2 T oil
1 tsp sugar or honey
1 tsp salt
2 cups whole wheat flour

Mix all together and stir for several minutes. I usually do this by hand unless I'm doubling the batch, then I use the kneading hook on my mixer. Allow the dough to sit for five minutes. This allows the flour to fully hydrate in the water and keeps you from adding too much flour. After five minutes, turn the dough out onto a floured counter and add only enough flour to make it easy to manage. You still want it to be slightly sticky without being tacky. I usually add about ½ cup more flour, sometimes not even that much. Knead only briefly since you stirred it well previously. It is fine if it is still rather sticky. Place in greased bowl and allow to raise until double. Place on baking sheet or pizza pans, add toppings and bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes.

For more information on making pizza crust, check the original post.

1 comment:

  1. Gina your recipes are so easy, affodable and delicious! You've inspired me to do some meal planning and prepare many of your meals. Have you ever considered an e-recipe book or creating a cookbook on as a fundraiser? If you do, let me know and I'll be the first to purchase! I think my printer's all ready to konk-out with all your recipes that I've printed so far. I always blog my results & will notify you when I do.
    Have a blessed day :)


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