
Sunday, June 7, 2009

Counting My Blessings

1. Fresh strawberries every morning, usually with shortcake or on cereal but once with waffles and freshly whipped cream! Mmmm!
2. New peas!
3. Eager helpers. (For the first half hour!)
4. A sweet happy baby. (Why won't that picture go upright?)

5. Over two inches of rain. (I won't mention what two days of constant rain did to some attitudes - children and mama! Some things are better forgotten! And the rain was wonderful!)
Now, we are home from church, just finished a wonderful lunch of grilled steak, stir-fried asparagus, salad, and strawberry pie. Looking forward to a restful afternoon!
God is so Good!

1 comment:

  1. Those strawberries look so good! :) That's one plant I've never had much success with for some reason. But oh how I love to eat them!
    Your babies are just precious. :)
    Have a wonderful restful Lord's Day!


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