
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Sisters' Spring Reading Challenge

With the Brighter Winter reading challenge over, Charity and I are beginning our seasonal reading challenge again. We are both looking forward to diving into some of the books that have been on our shelves. Want to join us?

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Sisters' Spring Reading Challenge

1. Read a book that is longer than your average read. 

Here is a chance to tackle a book that is daunting because of its page count. Maybe you'd like to tackle a long classic like Les Miserables, Bleak House, or The Lord of the Rings. Maybe you are drawn to nonficiton like Truman by David McCullough or a modern novel such as All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr but haven't wanted to commit to a longer book.

If you start a book today and read a chapter or so a week, by the end of May, even if you haven't completed the book, you would have made headway. 

2. In honor of Charity's anticipated motherhood, read a book about motherhood or a book that has a mother as the main character.

Examples: Missional Motherhood, A Garden to Keep, Little Women, Stepping Heavenward, Anne of Ingleside, Mary Emma and Company. And now I have a problem because I'd love to reread all of these books.

3. Choose a bookshelf (in your house, the library, or your friend's house), count the fifth book from the right and read it. 

I have a whole shelf of books that I want to read, so hopefully this will help me decide which book to read next. 

Make this challenge fit you. If you don't care to read the first book you select, find another bookshelf!

4. Choose a word or phrase in the Bible and look up five or so verses that contain that word and read them in context. 

Example: peace, joy, tree of life, light, kingdom of heaven

Looking forward to a good spring of reading.


  1. I was waiting with anticipation b for the Sisters Spring Challenge and congratulations on Charity soon to be a mama!

  2. I've chosen my books: Book that's longer than your average read- Bonhoeffer. It has almost 550pages. Book about motherhood or mother as a main character- Little Men and possibly Jo's Boys. Choose a bookshelf and count the fifth book from the right and read it.- Emma by Jane Austen. The print is small in my copy but I have it also on my tablet so I will read that version instead.
    I'm glad I have all spring to read so Lord willing , I will complete these challenges. When is Charity's little one due?

    1. Great book choices, Regina!
      Charity is due in May.

  3. It looks like the "rules" or guidelines for this challenge are fairly loose, but what do you suggest as start and end dates for spring. Here in the far north weather is not a good indicator of calender. ;)

    1. Hi Kim! You are welcome to make your own "rule" but we are choosing to use March, April, and May as the spring months even though we haven't seen much of spring yet.

  4. Do you count listening to books too?


    1. Absolutely! Audio books count as reading!

  5. Congratulations Charity!
    Best wishes in your reading challenges again this year. I completed the spring and summer challenges last year, and enjoyed them!
    "M Is For Mama" is a good motherhood book.

    1. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out!

  6. I just listened to The last book shop in London. I thought it was a very interesting. I enjoy listening to books set in England.
    It’s fun to see what other people are listening to and get new ideas. - Melody


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