
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Gardening, Painting, and Celebrating in August

The typical August finds every weekend filled with gatherings of friends. Adding gardening and canning means that August is usually one of the busiest times of the year.

But Covid canceled all our weekend plans in August. It is rather startling to look at a calendar with blank pages. 

But we are finding ways to fill and enjoy this month.

Cuddling kittens.

Digging potatoes.

Husking sweet corn for supper.

And many days of painting at the last apartment at our rental house. 

Covid had halted this project for a few months, but thanks to huge amounts of help from others, we are nearing completion.

But our August highlight will be Saturday when we gathered in a park under huge trees.

With family and a few friends.

To celebrate the marriage of my poet brother to his princess bride.

As the sun set, we gathered in the huge gazebo

To enjoy great food washed down with laughter.

The nieces.

The nephews.

Each of my siblings' weddings have been special. But at this one, the joy in seeing how God brought these two together was extra special. Only God could have found a girl so perfectly suited for Todd. So glad you are part of the family, Tanya.


  1. What beautiful picture and wonderful memories you have captured!!!

  2. What a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing.

  3. A beautiful post today. I enjoyed seeing all of the things keeping you busy this month and the wedding looks lovely. I'm glad they were able to celebrate with family and friends during this strange time we're living in.

  4. Beautiful family, and such a lovely wedding. I enjoy your posts very much!

  5. All so beautiful and joyful, from the children with kittens on swings to the wedding. Blessings, Todd and Tanya! (The sleeves on Tanya's dress are like little fairy wings <3)

    Thank you for sharing these bits of your lives with us, Gina. You always make me smile and feel the peace and joy. Bless you all.

    Thank you for sharing

  6. Lovely photos and happy faces. Even though your calender looks empty you keep yourself busy like we do. All my family are still working but evenings and weekends we have time to garden, play a game and just appreciate the simple things like reading a book or just talking. Blessings to you and your family.

  7. Looks like fun. I don’t remember you mentioning a rental house. Is there a story there?

  8. I know Tanya! How exciting that she married your brother. :) Congratulations to both.

  9. Oh such beautiful pictures! Tanya made a beautiful bride. COVID sure has made my calendar blank too. Usually from March-August my planner is full of activities.

  10. What a lovely gathering. God Bless their marriage and thank you for sharing.

  11. And my daughter said, only God could have found some one so suited for Tanya;)


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