
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Lift Your Glad Voices

There are so many wonderful Easter songs, and I wish badly that we could meet at church together to sing together. But heart worship can happen anywhere that you happen to be today.

(You can join our church's Easter service on Youtube.)

Lift Your Glad Voices will now always carry memories of Jess, since this was the last song she sang before her death.  I love the victory that is in these words.

Christ is risen!

Lift Your Glad Voices 
Henry Ware
Hymns of the Church #607

  1. Lift your glad voices in triumph on high,
    For Jesus hath risen, and man shall not die.
    Vain were the terrors that gathered around Him,
    And short the dominion of death and the grave;

  2. He burst from the fetters of darkness that bound Him,
    Resplendent in glory to live and to save!
    Loud was the chorus of angels on high,
    “The Savior hath risen, and man shall not die.”
  3. Glory to God, in full anthems of joy;
    The being He gave us death cannot destroy.
    Sad were the life we must part with tomorrow,
    If tears were our birthright, and death were our end;

  4. But Jesus hath cheered the dark valley of sorrow,
    And bade us, immortal, to Heaven ascend.
    Lift then your voices in triumph on high,
    For Jesus hath risen, and man shall not die.

A few other posts where I've shared Easter music.

The Strife is O'er

See the Conqueror Mounts


  1. How I wish too that we could meet together and sing....but I must say Jesus has become so precious to me that would not have happened if...

  2. Love "Lift your Glad voices" As a youth we would go Easter Caroling before church and that was a song we sang!!

  3. Thank you for sharing "Lift Your Glad Voices" with us. I hadn't heard it before. I hope you had a blessed Easter with your children.


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