
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Giveaway - My Other Name Is Mom

I usually buy used books so it is always a treat to read a newly published book. I also enjoy reading books written by people I know. And one of my favorite things ever is sharing books with friends.

I get to combine all three joys in the next weeks. I have been given several new books recently. I'm looking forward to sharing them with you. Plus the authors gave me extra copies to give away, so look for book giveaways in the coming weeks.

The first book I'm sharing is My Other Name is Mom by Mary Burkholder. I've known Mary since we were young girls in the same homeschool group, but Mary moved hundreds of miles away to Mississippi so I've not known her as a mom.

Mary's newest book begins with the history of feminism and how it has impacted Christian women today. Then Mary gets practical with chapters on the supermom myth, mommy guilt, and how to keep romance alive. I love that Mary doesn't pretend that motherhood is easy and reminds us that we don't have to have it all together to be a good mom. She writes about meeting the emotional needs of our children, battling worry, and the loneliness of mothering. Mary ends the book with some homemaking tips.

Some parenting books make me feel like a failure. Right now I feel so discouraged as a mother that I don't need more guilt. I felt like Mary was right with me in the exhaustion of motherhood. She holds a high standard and calls us to sacrificial love, but doesn't make me feel like a hopeless case.

Lyndon and Mary Burkholder and children

To purchase your own copy of My Other Name Is Mom, go to Mary's website. Until December the book is on sale for $9.99. You can also email Mary at myothernameismom @

To enter a giveaway for My Other Name Is Mom leave a comment on this post. Tell us one thing you appreciate about a young mother in your life (you don't have to name her). I'll send you the book to give to that mom. (I don't mind if you read it first.) If reading by email, click over to the blog and let your comment there.

Don't forget to share your email address with your comment or I have no way of contacting you.

Giveaway open for one week from today and is open to all US postal addresses. Winner chosen by


  1. I know a sweet young Mom who was terrified to homeschool but desparately wanted her boys out of the public schools. She took the leap and her boys blossomed under her teaching and care. Attitudes changed when they were away from questionable influences.

  2. I would love to enter this giveaway! Something I appreciate about another young mom, H., is that she is always thoughtful of her mama friends!

    johnstonsandcompany at gmail dot com

  3. Hello Gina,
    This sounds like a book that all mothers should read! My friend Sue came to mind as I read your review. She is a homeschool mom, writer, and talented gardener. I absolutely love the way she writes about her children. Her complete love for them shines through in every word, and I always feel honored to edit her articles for her. I am inspired to cherish our children more every time I read something of hers. :) I would love to give this book to her! (

  4. HI! So this sounds like a book I'd like to read! So the mom from our church that I admire a lot is one who is enjoying this stage of life (which is a big thing in my eyes!) and she enjoys the funny things her children do and treats them like little people not like annoying kids. she inspires me for sure!

  5. One thing I appreciate about one of my close friends is that even though she's busy with 10 month old twins, she takes time to help other busy people.

  6. I have a friend who was older when she married and since then has had 4 children in less than 4 years. She is usually cheerful, keeps a good schedule, and loves her children well. She and her husband rarely have time for "dates," but they purpose to do as much as possible together as a whole family. Grocery shopping, apple picking, etc. I admire her even though she is 6 years younger than I am. I think she would enjoy this book. Sarah

  7. I’m amazed at the mom that my daughter is. She’s a pastor’s wife in a small church where she has no other young mom companionships and although that is often a very lonely place for her, she joyfully serves her husband, little ones, and others. I love when I get pictures of her one and two year olds trying to knead bread, etc. I’m proud of her and would love to bless her with this book.

  8. I have a close friend who has health issues and is a mother of 3 young children. She doesnt complain about her lot in life and is a joyful person. I can learn so many things from her!

  9. I wonder what age qualifies as young. �� But I have a mom friend who has been very honest in her experience with motherhood, even when I thought she must not struggle with some of the same things I do after 10 children!

  10. I appreciate a young mother at church who is willing to sacrifice her time and desires for the good of her family.

    1. I see I forgot my email address

  11. I know a mommy in Belize who would love the encouragement! She has 4 preschoolers and they live about an hour away from most of the church community.

  12. My sister-in-law has four littles. She inspires me with the way she joyfully embraces an extremely intense stage of family.

  13. A young mom that I admire is very focused and prioritizes being a keeper at home.

  14. The mom I most admire is my friend who is a single mom. I admire her steadfastness in her faith and having to do parenting alone. I admire the time she takes to do special things with her girls, amid her struggles to work and keep her house. She is a strong person to live w/o her husbands support. I would not want to be her but I admire her.

  15. I'm always up for a good book that is encouraging as well!

  16. I appreciate that my friend G, after struggling with infertility & loss of babies, is so enthusiastic about being a mom of 3 preschoolers! She says, I'm busy and I LOVE IT! She has a great perspective brought about by grief & loss.

  17. I would like to enter this giveaway. There are so many young Moms that I admire, one is pregnant with her second baby, and was so unfortunate as to break her ankle. Her cast comes off @ her due date! I haven't heard any complaining.

  18. My mom friend reaches out to help other BUSY moms, when she has 2 prescoolers herself. She has blessed my with her helping hands.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I watch the young mothers at church. I see them being good mothers, but a I also see them weary in their well doing... I endeavor to encourage them, I want them to see the joys, because little ones grow up so quickly. Jdhistand7@frontier dot com

  21. I admire a young mother who has dealt with infertility, and then after giving birth, postpartum depression. She seeks to continue to serve her husband, God, and church family, while doing the best job she can do to raise her toddler well!

  22. My mom friend is a very busy ministry wife and Mom of soon to be 5 and I think she would enjoy this book. Thanks for the giveaway! lynellesbox

  23. This sounds like a good encouraging book to read. A mom I know has 2 young children & still takes the time to invest in other people's lives.

  24. My one sister is such a humble mom...with three small preschoolers she has a lot on her plate but she continually amazes me with her patience and the care she gives to each child.

  25. Sorry I forgot my email

  26. The mom i'm thinking of is one that plays with her children instead of saying "y'all go play, i'm busy now."

  27. I am thinking of a busy mom of 3 preschoolers 4 and under, who also helps her husband with his undertaking/funeral director job and is patient with all the coroner calls he gets. As first generation Christians who are a part of our church she would love this book!

  28. My young mom friend is so inspiring as she smiles, laughs, and rolls with the punches of life while her 3 preschoolers tug on her dress skirt and tramp on her toes. I love that enthusiasm even though I know she's exhausted most of the time.

  29. I admire a mom who takes time for her children & doesn't worry about her house being clean & organized all the time.

  30. I would love to share this book with my niece who homeschools her three boys. She inspires me with her patience and kindness.

  31. My friend M is so thrilled to be at home with her babies and it makes me aspire to that as well, although I don't have my own children yet. In a world where women staying at home with children seems to be looked down upon, I am so proud of mamas who find joy and fulfillment in raising their children.

  32. I know a couple of sweet moms who love the Lord who could benefit from this book. Both are moms to many and I'm so blessed to be around them.

  33. There is a mom from church who joyfully embraces her little girls and doesn't see them as a bother, I'd love to give her this book.

  34. I forgot to put my email address
    coffeeteamama at gmail dot com

  35. I am thinking about a dear friend of mine who is a young mom with 6 little ones, she is so overwhelmed with her and my heart goes out to her.

  36. I admire my sister in law whose quiet dedication shines as she cares for her little ones even in the difficult!

  37. I have a friend who is ever so busy with school age children and preschoolers and yet was very supportive of her oldest daughter teaching at our school.... a very sacrificial mom. I forgot my email
    before so I'll repost and add it now...

  38. I have a good friend who loves to have fun with her children. She is very busy but tries to incorporate all she does with them included. =)

  39. The young Mother I have in mind is young enough to be my daughter yet she has chosen to include me in her life as a friend. I believe by her being willing to broaden her circle of friends beyond her peers she has enriched her own life and I know she has certainly been a blessing to me.

  40. I'm thinking of a mom that's always so cheerful and willing to do her part even when she has sick children.

  41. The mom i would share this book with is Mommy to 4 adorable, busy little boys. She is an amazing mom and friend!! I never hear her complain!

  42. The mom I know inspires me the way she handles her busy family and still always on time in church, with meals and just everything she does!!

  43. I admire my students' moms who pour themselves into their students.

  44. My sister has a 3 month old and her hubby broke his leg at work the other week! She’s busy but always cheerful! I would love to give her this book!!

  45. A mom I particularly admire is easily daunted by motherhood, but she happily stays home and cares for them.

  46. I'm thinking of a mom who fulfills her responsibilities & cares for her family with love & joy! She is an inspiration!

  47. I deeply appreciate, and admire a homeschooling mother of 6 young children whose confidence is in the Lord. She is a dear,encouraging friend! She lost her baby this week, and I would love to bless her with this book.
    Jennifer Horning My email address is

  48. I know several moms, including me, who could benefit from this book. This would be a great book to gift to my church library, so that all moms could read it.

  49. Gina, thanks for sharing about this book and for the excitement of a giveaway lol . . . I admire the courage my young mom friend shows as she is starting this huge task of homeschooling . . . It is not for the faint of heart . . . But I have had so many tears over it over the years . . . But God is faithful!!! Oh, so faithful!

  50. Hmm....quite a few mamas come to mind, but I’ll chose a dear friend whose contented-ness often challenges me as she faces the demanding task of motherhood in a foreign culture.

  51. Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice. It never ends. How can something so draining be so rewarding? LOVE!

  52. I've a friend who loves being a mom even through all the stresses of foster care, a new baby and several young preschoolers.

  53. My thoughts go to a widow friend, she's always seems so calm and patient.

  54. I have a friend that has a special needs child and she absolutely pours her heart into being a mom. It blesses me to see her love.

  55. I have a friend who's first born was a preemie who almost didn't make it. Know he's an extra energetic toddler...I love how she parents him out of so much patience and is a constant reminder to me that each child is a miracle!

    1. I forgot to add my email.

  56. I admire a young mom, who happens to be my firstborn, who is busily mothering two sweet boys who she didn't give birth to while carrying her first bio safe inside. She jumped in the deep end with mothering and I'd love to send her this book.

  57. My daughter is a young mom of three who is homeschooling overseas in a lonely setting.

  58. One of the moms I admire most has been my friend since we were very young. She has 4 children that she is raising on her own. And while life hasn't worked out for her quite as she thought, she continues to be faithful to God & to be a fun-loving mother who richly enjoys her sweet children.

  59. After 3 biological children and 3 consecutive miscarriages, she n her husband made the tough decision that there would be no more bio children. Painful, yes. But now she is investing in foster kids. God is doing good things with her pain....

  60. My husband is the pastor at our church. We are blessed with many young families. I admire them all, I can't just pick one, so if I win I would put the book in our church library. That way they could all be blessed by it.

  61. My niece Megan is the happy mom of 5 kiddos (hoping for more as God decides). She gives sacrificially to her children and is humble and godly. I'd love to give her this book as she doesn't get a lot of encouragement from those around her to be a stay-at-home, homeschooling homemaker. is my address
    Suzie L.

  62. I'm thinking of a mother who takes the time to read to her children, even when there are many other household tasks she could be doing instead.

  63. I am thinking of a young mother who did not grow up in a Christian setting. It has not been easy for her to adapt to a plain lifestyle and culture. I think I'd enjoy the book too. I can identify with my name being "Mom"!

  64. I'm thinking of a young busy mamma... she is sweet and kind and busy, yet takes time for others and cares about them. Yes, motherhood is a big job, and can be overwhelming, but I would love to gift this book to her!

  65. I'm thankful for another Mama friend who has similar struggles as I and is willing to be vulnerable and encourage me.

  66. My best friend, a young mother of six, is my inspiration when I feel overwhelmed at my age (44) with only one child. On days when I feel like I'm failing, I remember she is doing this, x6 and of all the joys of motherhood. I think of how blessed I am to have even one child, after beating cancer three times, which resulted in a complete hysterectomy this past January. My friend Michelle reminds me how wonderful having a large family is, and she probably looks at mine some days wishing hers was smaller. There is beauty in any size family. Motherhood is wonderful, chaotic imperfect, messy,journey. Neither of us would have it any other way!

    Cathy O.

  67. I'm thinking of a mother/friend who has LOTS of responsibilities and joyfully sacrifices self on a daily basis.

  68. My sister, who is fostering seven children and loving them so well.

  69. I am thinking of a dear friend who makes many sacrifices daily for family and does it with such joy.

  70. The mom i'm thinking of has 3 children who have had lots of health issues, food intolerances, etc and it has made them fussy and also has been very challenging for thier mother.

  71. The mom I'm thinking of is very loving and spontaneous, and works to help her children develop the strength to stand on their own.


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