
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Choosing His Words - Part 1

It began accidentally several years ago, but today I choose to continue the tradition. 

Every January, I begin the blogging year with a discussion on Bible reading.

But there is a problem. Any time we women discuss Bible reading, most of us react with guilt and frustration.

We want to read the Bible; we know we need the truth of God's Word, but we fall short of our goals.

Sometime we imagine that we are the only ones who don’t read our Bible every day. When we fall asleep while reading or can't remember what we read ten minutes later, we are sure that every one else is having meaningful devotions.

To combat this feeling of guilt, comparison, and intimidation, I asked several friends to share about Bible reading.
These women come from various seasons of life - married, single, mothers of toddlers, mothers of teens. For the next week or so, every day one of these ladies will share. I hope that their honesty and practical tips can be an encouragement for you. 

And we’d love to hear your thoughts on the comments.

We'll start today with 
My husband and I regularly read a chapter aloud together before we go to bed at night.  If a particular thought stands out from that reading or from a sermon or Sunday school lesson, I like to make a note of it.  Later I can look up the verse or idea on my Power Bible CD (available from Christian Light Publications) and study it in-depth.  
Sometimes this leads to inspiration that results in an article or poem.  Afterward, the verse or chapter remains special to me as reminder of God's grace in that era of my life.  The Power Bible CD includes Bagster's Daily Light and Morning and Evening Readings, both of which provide bites of soul food tastefully arranged.                          --Darletta M.

Past blog posts on this topic...

One year ago: Bible or Email? 

Two years ago: Are Bible reading plans legalistic?

Three years ago: Realistic Bible reading planning - Beginner's Bible Reading plan

Four years ago: One Year Bible

Six years ago: The One Needful Thing - A friend's Bible reading challenge


  1. I love to hear about other ladies Bible reading. I still use the Shirkers and Slackers plan because it's really helpful for me. Happy New Year Gina!

  2. Just the thing for the New Year! This is why I love your blog :)

    This year I'm excited to try the "Bible Reading Chart" app. It's just a simple chart where you check off chapters as you read them. I want to read through the whole Bible, but totally at my own pace and not as my main devotions/study. I've used a paper chapter checklist like this in the past, and really loved how freeing and also motivating it was (I've just never once managed to follow a precise daily reading plan), and always havingit with me on my phone could be even better.

    Ugh dealing with guilt and shame and avoidance is so hard and painful. But then any breakthroughs that happen are extra special :)

  3. I like the Daily Bible app, with the daily plan. It reads the Bible to me! Each day has a reading from both the Old and New Testaments. -Karen


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