
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Not a Good Homemaking Week

Last week's schedule was brutal.

I always say that I can only be a good homemaker if I stay at home.

Last week I wasn't a good homemaker - or a good mom. I have no idea how women who work full-time outside the home keep their sanity. One week of a crazy schedule and I was losing it.

Somehow the monthly followup appointments for both Ed and my daughter ended up on the same week. That meant three days of driving over two hours both ways to appointments. I came home exhausted - but still needed to prepare meals, do laundry, and help with school work.

My week was salvaged by several friends who blessed us with meals. Nothing says "I love you" like a casserole on an extra busy week.

Sharing lunch between appointments.

I know that some of my stress was the dread of Ed's MRI report. I did not want to see the scan. The doctor always pulls up the last five scans on the screen and lets us flip through the images. Looking at the progression of his tumor the last months is enough to make me feel ill.

We expected this scan to look bad this time. Radiation causes swelling so it can be hard to discern on the MRI what is tumor growth and what is radiation-induced swelling.

But the MRI wasn't as bad as we feared. Some areas were swollen and larger compared to his last MRI, but in other areas the tumor look smaller. Ed's doctor considers this a "stable" MRI. That is more encouraging of a report than we've had for months, and we are praising God.

Our daughter's arm continues to mend, and she was able to trade in her huge cast for a small brace.

The week ended with a delightful trip to a cabin with two of Ed's school friends. I don't know either of these families well, but our children quickly connected, and we all had a great time. The ladies didn't let me bring any food (except some for Ed) so it was a vacation for me too.

Once again I thank God for His grace through another round of tests and consultations. I'm thankful for those who pray for us, drop by for a visit, and give in practical ways. We are blessed.

Now to tackle that neglected housework.


  1. You didn’t mention the delightful menagerie in the background. The kids must’ve Loved that. We continue to pray for you and your family. We’re so glad to hear the encouraging news about Ed

  2. Wow that big stuffed kitty looks pretty neat!

    And that's so nice to have people cook for you :)

  3. It's always s blessed joy to hear how Ed's health is slowly progressing. But, my prayers today are for you, Gina, that Jesus will give you the daily strength to keep up with your chores and family needs. You are a wonderful wife and mother, don't ever doubt your abilities to keep your family happy and in good health. With all you are going through, very few women would be able to keep up! Keeping your eyes focused on Jesus for daily strength and guidance is the very best place you can be. Remember, you are loved! God bless you!

  4. Gina, I think of you and how tremendous you are doing everyday. Be gentle on yourself.

  5. How nice that you were able to get away for a little vacation after your hectic week. Continued prayers!

  6. Gina, how wonderful to get a good medical report. Thank goodness you were able to have a little holiday to relax after all the busyness.

  7. So glad to hear Ed is stable, that is a blessing for sure! And wow, what a getaway! Happy y'all had that fun time together. Memories!
    I hear you about the working+homemaking+schooling=CRAZY. And exhausted, all the time. I have a part time job to help out with bills, only aroun 27 hours a week, and I can barely get anything done. I'm always tired and ready for a nap, lol.

    Still holding you all in prayer!

  8. Wow! What a week indeed, and how in the world did you even keep any level of sanity for all the running and exhausting of appts?!? I'm so thankful that your friends surrounded you and helped keep you and your children's tummies satisfied! :-) And what a huge gift from your friends of some time away to enjoy the beautiful gift of friendship! So glad to hear of the stable MRI, and continuing to pray for God's grace in this journey! We love you! ~Eunice & Randy

  9. So glad that Ed is stable, oh the blessings of friends and there help, the housework will wait dear Gina when you are having a tough week, there is always time enough to catch up. God bless you, keeping you all in prayer. Sue

  10. Gina, you sound like a wonderful Mother! And I know all of your family appreciates everything you do even if the house isn't cleaned to perfection and the schedules get a little messed up. I know because I live with a chronic illness and have a wonderful Mother. I am so grateful for all she does for me and the family. I know it is stressful /frustrating when I have multiple appts a week and it feels like nothing else gets done. But we pull together and do our best! I am always glad when Mom can get a break, too.
    And thank God for stable test results! I'm happy for you and Ed.

  11. So thankful for this encouraging MRI report. Keeping you and yours in our prayers. We speak of you often at our house, thinking of you, hoping for peace in scary times.

  12. Praising the Lord for the good news!! I have felt so heavy hearted for you and all Ed and you ( and family) have had to endure. This is truly awesome!!!!!

  13. Praying for God's grace to meet your every need and thanking God for stable test results! So glad you were able to have a relaxing weekend after your business.
    Blessings, Glenda

  14. Hello Gina. Years ago I reached out to you after my premature son died. You were such an encouragement to me. I have followed you since then and what you are going through right now is amazingly hard. You are doing an amazing job! My family is praying for you and you are ever close in my thoughts. Thank you for your kindness six years ago and know it is not forgotten.

  15. It is amazing all the blessings God gives us. I appreciate the time you take from your busy schedule to connect with us through your blog. Awesome that all of your families got to spend a weekend away together. Its important for men to support one another in fellowship just as we ladies can be a help to each other in Christian love.

  16. Rejoicing with you about Ed's stable MRI. PRAISE THE LORD. Do be easy on yourself. You are doing a good job as a wife and mother. Bless you both.

  17. God save your husband. And give you many More years together.

  18. Please know that we lift your family up in prayer daily to our Father, the ultimate Healer. Thank you for taking the time to keep us all updated amidst an unimaginable season. My husband and children always ask if you've posted and we cry and rejoice with you as brothers and sisters in Christ. Rejoicing with you over a stable MRI and the blessings & fellowship of friends. May God cover your family in love and peace.
    In His Love, Jamie


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