
Friday, August 10, 2018

Jesus, Lead Thou On

Ed is halfway through his radiation treatments and feeling well. The affects of radiation are cumulative so it is possible that he'll feel worse the week after the treatments, but we are thankful that he can feel good and continue to work.

Recently I was introduced to this old hymn and have enjoyed singing these prayerful words. I especially enjoyed this hymn after reading a biography of Zinzendorf and the incredible missionary work that he was part of in the 1700's.

Jesus, Lead Thou On
by Ludwig von Zinzendorf
Translated by Jane Borthwick

Jesus, lead Thou on
Till our rest is won;
And although the way be cheerless,
We will follow calm and fearless.
Guide us by Thy hand
To our fatherland.

If the way be drear,
If the foe be near,
Let not faithless fears o'ertake us;
Let not faith and hope forsake us;
For through many a woe
To our home we go.

When we seek relief
From a long-felt grief;
When temptations come alluring,
Make us patient and enduring;
Show us that bright shore
Where we weep no more.

Jesus, lead Thou on
Till our rest is won.
Heavenly Leader, still direct us,
Still support, control, protect us,
Till we safely stand
In our fatherland.

Here is a recording of the tune if you want to sing along. (You may need to click over to the blog to view it.)


  1. such a beautiful hymn, I hope the treatment continue to be easy on Ed, my husband had radiation treatments and his side effects were fatigue, a metallic taste in his mouth and slight burning skin, I keep you in my prayers,

  2. Beautiful (new to me) hymn! Praising our heavenly Father that Ed is still feeling well. Take care!

  3. I couldn't open the video to hear the melody, but the words are so powerful & encouraging. Thanks for sharing! I'm so glad that Ed is doing well with the radiation treatments, and I'm praying that they will eradicate the new cancer tumors and any new or existing surrounding cancer cells. It's a long hard road you all are traveling, but God is there to guide you and comfort you on this journey. In a way, it's almost like the journey of Moses and the Israelites going to the Promised Land: Ed and your family are traveling down this scary road of cancer following God's pillar of Light day and night. I'm praying that Ed will reach the Promised Land of cancer-free good health and strength so Ed can continue to lead your family in the Way of our Most Powerful God! God's blessings to you all.

  4. This is one of my favorite hymns!! We continue to pray for Bro. Ed.


  5. A beautiful hymn! Thanks for sharing it. We continue to keep you in our prayers frequently. Praying for healing and grace for each moment of the journey.

  6. I'm happy to hear your good report. We are about to walk the road with you, unfortunately. My daughter in laws breast cancer has returned, only after 2 years. They are going to Philadelphia next week for more consultation. They just returned from a trip to Israel, where they had prayer for healing. We are hopeful, and prayerful that good will come of this. Her name is Cathy, and any and all prayers are gratefully accepted. We continue to pray for you, Ed, and your children. Thank you, and God bless. ..Barb

    1. I'm so sorry, Barb. Keep me updated on Cathy's progress.

  7. Alexandria R BaldridgeAugust 10, 2018 at 11:29 PM

    Wow, Gina! Today is the first day I stumbled across your blog. As a sister in Christ (I am a Christian of the reformed denomination) I will be praying for Ed's journey, and for you and your children. May God continue to bless your home.

  8. Thank you for the hymn, Gina. How amazing that Ed is able to continue to work while having treatment. Praise God.

  9. Thank you for this hymn! In doing a bit of research, I found that this hymn is actually the basis for my favorite pipe organ piece - I had never known the words.

    Thank you for sharing! Praying for your sweet family every day.

  10. Beautiful song !
    Blessings to you and your family💛

  11. Thank you for linking to my recording of this great hymn. I have recorded over 3100 hymns so far. If I missed one you would like to here, do not hesitate to drop me a note and if I can track it down I will record it for you.

  12. Dear Gina
    Praying for you all, what a beautiful song.
    shelley p
    from over the pond

  13. Oh, I love the words to that hymn!!! . . . And I love learning new hymns/songs! Thanks for sharing this!

  14. I read your article in the Daughters of Promise magazine and thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I was glad for the link at the end of the article so I could check in and see how Ed is doing. Love the song, such a beautiful old hymn. Will keep checking in with you!


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