
Friday, August 3, 2018

Grasp the Opportunity to Live Well

A glimpse into the last few weeks.

Two weeks ago, Ed spent a Saturday morning tilling up the green beans and planting a fall cover crop on that part of the garden. I've wanted to try planting field radishes as a cover crop for several years and finally did it this year.

The soil was dry and dusty since it had been weeks since we had rain. But that afternoon it rained, and over the next few days we had about five inches of rain. The field radishes popped up by the end of the week. I'm loving the green grass again, but the weeds are taking the opportunity to go crazy. With rain every day or two, we are beginning to think we are living in a monsoon.

Last week my family came over on one of the few non-rainy evenings and helped us cut and split firewood.

With many hands helping, a lot of wood was stacked in a short time. 

We are so thankful for all the support we have. Ed asked if some of our friends could help drive him the two hours to his radiation appointments each day these next three weeks, so I would not have to drive him every day. Ed had far more offers than he had days of the week. I've had offers for babysitting and friends have dropped off meals. I wish there was a way I could share our support with others who have to walk alone.

On Tuesday, we took the children with us to Ed's doctor appointment so we could have a family outing. The children and I hung out at the clinic playroom until Ed was finished.

We went down to Annapolis that Ed and I had enjoyed so much on our anniversary trip a few weeks ago. 

At the Navy Museum, Ed took a nap on a bench, but otherwise, he felt great all day. Family times are precious.

I hate cancer. It feels like a robber who has stolen our comfortable life and is trying to take our future. 

But in the last year we have been given the opportunity to make the most of every moment. Never have I sucked so much joy out of every day. Never have I clung to the little joys of normal life. 

But you don't have to wait for cancer. 

Grasp the opportunity you have today to live well.

Hug a child.
Let go of a grudge.
Prepare to meet God.
Pick a flower.
Give a compliment.
Watch a sunrise or sunset.
Enjoy the moment without making to-do lists.
Write a thank-you note.
Count your blessings.
Say "I love you" more often.

We don't like to think of death, but if looking honestly at our own mortality allows us to live well, it is worth it. 
Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:13-14)


  1. My heart aches for the underlying pain in your lives! Tears come to eyes, yet my mind can't begin to grasp the reality you live with every day. I know y'all are just as human as anyone but the frank honesty with which you continue to face life and death is so beautiful and inspiring. May God continue to grant you grace a peace beyond measure. ❤

  2. Thanks for your encouragement! God bless you as you keep looking to the Lord in the midst of the cancer journey.

  3. Praying for you and your sweet family daily and I’m very thankful that you have such a wonderful support system. The grace you show on this blog is amazing to me.

  4. Thank you for this post.It was a blessing for me today.

  5. Amen! Thank you for the reminder that every moment of life is made to be lived.

  6. You inspire me! God bless your family.

  7. How lovely, Gina. My son was just asking how Ed was as he prays for him too.

  8. 'I hate cancer'.....yes, I emphasize with you in that as I had a brother who had cancer. Your faith, trust and acceptance is beautiful (as Bethany already mentioned.) There is nothing else we can do in our hard times but to 'accept', and trust and it is enough. God takes care of the rest. For myself, I wish for more acceptance that cancer took my brother but as I look to the Lord in faith, He will bring me to that. Because that is my desire. Blessings!!

  9. What a challenge to live life well, really makes me think!
    Something else stood out in your post "I wish there was a way I could share our support with others who have to walk alone." Now that's another challenge, how could we help those that walk alone through so many things in life? Another challenge.
    We continue to pray for peace, joy and healing! Love and hugs!

  10. Your perspective challenges me, Gina. God bless you as you continue to wrestle joy from moments that cancer is cutting short. Your reminder to live well in all circumstances is timely.

  11. Ill say it again..your strength amazes me! I love how your family all pitched in with the wood. I know what a task that is, as we heat with wood, too. Ed looks good, although thin. I pray for his healing, and for you and the kids to continue to be strong. I wish we were closer, instead of across the state...we could help when needed. Please know that we do pray each day at devotions for all of you.

  12. Beautifully said Gina. It's important to be reminded because we never know when it will be our turn to be called home. The Spirit whispered that I share this verse with you. " When my heart is overwhelmed: Lead me to the rock that is higher than I." Psalm 61 Praying for you, Ed, and the children.

  13. I am so sorry that you are living daily with this "c" monster, and praying God will continue to give you & yours grace & peace for this. Thank you for faithfully sharing your journey through the hard and pointing to Jesus! He is the Author and Finisher of our faith, and you are living well and pointing to Him...even in this hard! Love you all, and praying for you! XO ~Eunice

  14. Amen. We too are walking a similar path except with our 19 year old daughter. My thoughts and feelings are in line with yours - none of know what tomorrow may bring and we have learned to embrace every moment!
    Praying for you and your sweet family. Thank you for sharing.

  15. Thank you for sharing with such candor. I continue to pray for your family.

  16. I, too, am Gina, a daughter of the King, bread baker and broccoli lover! I have just found your site and will be praying for you my sister! May the peace that passes all understanding flood your home!

  17. Dear Gina, Thank you for the words you gave at the end of your post...

    rasp the opportunity you have today to live well.

    Hug a child.
    Let go of a grudge.
    Prepare to meet God.
    Pick a flower.
    Give a compliment.
    Watch a sunrise or sunset.
    Enjoy the moment without making to-do lists.
    Write a thank-you note.
    Count your blessings.
    Say "I love you" more often.

    It is just too easy to loose sight of the important things in life...

    Praying for you!!

  18. God Bless and prayers for you all, especially your husband

  19. May God continue to rain his blessings on your family. My prayers continue for Ed. It is so easy to overlook the little blessings in life when hardships come. I'm so glad that you all can still see it.

  20. ❤️❤️❤️Thank you for sharing your life, your heart, and encouraging so many. Praying for your husband and for you and your family

  21. You are an amazing woman Gina. You continue to bless and encourage others when you are dealing with so much. I will keep you and your husband and family in my prayers. My husband’s sister has cancer now too. We have been reading about home remedies to try in addition to what the doctors are doing. I have read that ginger and turmeric have both been proven to help shrink tumors some and that probiotics (like in yogurt) help the immune system to fight it off. So maybe you can try those things too. God bless you.

  22. I've been enjoying reading a little of your blogs now and then 😊God bless your family as you journey with cancer....He is faithful!!....keep writing!!


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