
Thursday, December 14, 2017

Thirty Little Fingers

I was a little worried that Sheila would find that no one writes letters any more. But snail mail is still alive by the response to the Thirty Little Fingers giveaway. I loved reading about the faithful letter/card writing friends in your life.

Out of the 45 nominations, I drew these ten names to receive a free copy of Sheila  Petre's Thirty Little Fingers.

April's friend Elizabeth
Janelle's friend Nicole
Melissa's friend Laura
Diane's friend Kate
Marlene's friend Loretta
Rebecca's friend Priscilla
Laura's friend Audra
Suzanne's friend Barb
Karen's friend Abigail
Denise's friend Vila

I hope you ladies enjoy the book.

To purchase your own copy of Thirty Little Fingers (or buy one for a gift for your friend) send a check payable to Sheila Petre at P.O. Box 127, Mercersburg, PA 17236. Books are $13 each (which includes shipping to US addresses). Five or more copies, $11 each. PA residents add 6% sales tax. For larger-quantity discounts or questions, email Sheila at

Thirty Little Fingers is also available from the publisher, call Carlisle Press at 1-800-852-4482.

Sheila plans to have a book signing in New Holland, PA on January 6. Contact Sheila for more details if you are in that area.

Thanks again for all who participated in this giveaway - especially to Sheila who donated these books.


  1. Thank you! This is exciting; a great Christmas gift for my friend, but I guess I can't say it's from me when I didn't buy it! :)

  2. Thank you for doing this giveaway! It was special to receive a text from my friend Laura letting me know I won a book. 😀


I love to hear from you.