
Sunday, August 20, 2017

Complete in Thee

I spent Friday and Saturday at a ladies' retreat. I had registered earlier this summer since I figured by August I might need an Oasis. Even though our summer has been so much better than I expected I'm still glad I went. I feel like I was able to stand underneath a waterfall and be thoroughly refreshed.

I loved the practical workshops. I enjoyed the hours of conversation (with many of you!) uninterrupted by children and other distractions. I enjoyed the meals and special touches of beauty. The singing was marvelous, though far too often I was deep in conversation and forgot the time and missed the beginning of the singing.

But best of all were the main sessions. The topic was Complete In Christ. There was so much life-giving truth shared about how we can bring our brokenness to Christ to be healed by Jesus.

Here are a few of the songs shared this weekend that ministered to me.


  1. A ladies retreat, how refreshing that would be! Can you give a recommendation of where you went, or was it your church's special group? Sometimes I think we busy moms can experience burnout, we do and give and make and do it again, 24/7, and I know that is a high calling, but I do long for that refreshment so I can more effectively do and give and make, and again, 24/7!

    1. The retreat I attended was for Mennonite women in ministry. Most were wives of ministers but there were also school teachers, nurses, mentors, and others. I hope you find something that meets your needs.

  2. A life long Baptist, I went to Hesston College (Mennonite) for a year. The thing I remember most was the beautiful singing. It turned me into a lifelong fan of acapella music. Glad you went, retreats are like B-12 shots aren't they? I don't comment often but am keeping you and yours in my prayers.

  3. What a refreshing time for you Gina and I am sure you really needed it!

  4. Gina, I'm so glad that you were able to go to the retreat and come back refreshed. I believe all women could benefit from a time away like that, even if they weren't going through a stressful time in their lives. You and your family are still being prayed for in Hawaii:-)

  5. Praise the Lord you were about to be blessed by this retreat :) Yes, we all need time to "get away" and be refreshed from time to time. I always appreciate the songs you post :) Prayers coming your way !!

  6. Sounds wonderful and 'just what the doctor ordered'! Prayers continue
    San Pedro, CA

  7. How wonderful that you were able to have some time for Gina !! As wives and mothers, we all know our God ordained purpose. However, every now and again, it is a blessing to get away to recharge and refresh. It doesn't take long, but feels so good! I'm so happy that you went! The singing is beautiful, by the way!!

  8. mm-mm that retreat sounds good! Thank you for sharing the music with us - sending up prayers :)

  9. Gina,
    I'm glad you were able to get away and were refreshed. I mailed you a card yesterday so it should arrive in a few days. The songs you shared are beautiful! I've been praying for you all daily.

  10. It's so good to visit such meetings. I love the topic Complete in Christ. Do You know what Spurgeon was saying? "COMPLETE IN HIM!" -- precious sentence! Sweeter than honey to our soul, we would adore the Holy Spirit for dictating such glorious words to His servant Paul. Pause over those two little words, "IN HIM" -- in Christ."

  11. Gina, we are singing this song in our church choir right now, and it just completely fills my spirit. I think it has the most beautiful words to fit any difficult situation in life. I thought of you and wanted to share.


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