
Monday, September 28, 2015

Make Your Own Marble Roller Coaster From Paper

 We spent a fun Sunday afternoon building a marble roller coaster using only paper and tape. 

We were inspired by the video of Andrew Gatt's paper roller coaster. Ours was not nearly as impressive but a fun challenge for our family.

And it was only our first attempt. I expect we will spend more afternoons crafting more elaborate designs this winter.

We bought Andrew Gatt's download and were impressed by the directions and patterns. This would be a great project for a school teacher. We plan to do this with our homeschool group.

And when you are done - you get to watch the marbles.

What fun projects does your family do on lazy afternoons? (Naps don't count, of course.)


  1. How fun!!! Great job!! You can see there was success by the smiles. :)

  2. Oh wow!!! My children would LOVE this! I just watched the video too and that is just amazing. We'll have to check it out further! :)

  3. I love it! I save paper towel rolls and toilet paper ones too, for a rainy/snowy day and instruct the children to build a marble roller out of them with tape and a scissors. They taped it right to the paneling in the basement. The children will love to see this free standing idea.

    1. What a great idea! My son has been storing up toilet paper rolls for some project. I'll have to suggest a marble roller.

  4. I am going to share this with my daughter that homeschools her boys! My 11 yr. old grandson loves to construct things and his brothers would enjoy it as well! As for me..when I have a "lazy" afternoon(very rarely!!),I either get up and bake something or take a walk around the farm. I also read,but usually only if the weather is bad because I like to be busy. I guess that doesn't make much sense..lazy and busy? I should say,I can't sit around..I like to be moving. I always feel like I am wasting time just sitting. I guess I am quirky like that!!

  5. So, am I understanding right that if you buy the download it includes a number of different roller coasters?

    1. The download has the patterns and directions for different components - such as the beams, funnel, and curves. You put them together however you wish to make your roller coaster.

  6. I am DEFINITELY going to have to try this! And not necessarily waiting until Gideon and I have little ones (which may be as soon as this time next year - we're getting married in 2 months). I always wanted a marble run!

    - Katherine in England

  7. Wow this looks really neat. I think I will have to try this with my kids. Thanks for sharing!

    I'd love to hear more about what your homeschool group does for activities. Do you have a post about that somewhere in the past? perhaps an idea of something to share if you get some time sometime.


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