
Friday, June 21, 2013


Is there any month better than June?

Especially in the garden.

Asparagus, broccoli, and spinach have ended.

But taking their place is red beets,


and sugar peas.

Thank the Lord for His abundant gifts.


  1. One word....YUM!


  2. Beautiful! June here means I finally have lettuce and spinach to eat! I also only just had my first strawberry. Oh to enjoy a warmer climate haha - I am grateful I don't live any farther north!
    Thanks for sharing - it makes me anticipate my garden even more.

  3. Broccoli and spinach have ENDED?? They've barely started here! We had HAIL last week...


  4. I am glad you are back. I have missed reading your posts. I pray all is well with you and your family. I made your rhubarb upside down cake recipe last night. We loved it. It is definitely a keeper for us. I think it would be delicious with any type of fruit. Enjoy your day and God bless.

  5. So blessed. My green beans are only up about 1 inch. The hazards of living north. :-)

  6. I'm so glad you're back, and so soon :0) I was afraid that you were going to be gone for a long time, or for good. I am new to your blog and love it! I hope that things in your life have settled down and are back to normal.
    Our garden is growing like crazy too. This is our first year to have a lot of stuff, though it's still squeezed into a small space. I love watching everything grow and then being able to eat what we have grown.
    I hope you have a blessed summer and I hope your daughter's eye is better.

  7. How satisfying it is to eat off your own land! Beautiful vegetables Gina!
    How is your little girl? Has she recovered completely from her incident with her eye?

    1. Thanks for asking! Yes she has! Her vision is now 20/20 in both eyes. There is still a possibility that as her eye continues to heal that the scar tissue will constrict her eye and cause astigmatism. But worse case scenario is that she would need glasses. We feel so blessed.

  8. What kind of strawberries do you grow? They look great! Birds ate ours while they were still tiny. We'll have to cover ours next year.


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