
Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Precious Gift of Eyesight

It was one of those days (and weeks) when I didn't think I could be any busier.

But within a few minutes, everything grinds to a halt and nothing on my agenda appears important.

Our four year old was playing out in the woodshed when she came in screaming with her eyes squeezed shut. I tried to pry her eyelids open and flush out the dirt she apparently got in her eyes. After a few minutes I could see that there was still some white matter on her iris. Her eyes were swelling and she was obviously in pain. Ed came home, took her to ER, and spent the rest of the day at the eye doctor. Today he took her to visit a cornea specialist.

Returning home from the ER. She was so happy with her little hospital gown that she was given when her dress got wet! 

We still don't know exactly what she got in her eye, but apparently it caused a chemical burn. An abrasion is on her left eye. The good news is that she has vision in both eyes. Praise the Lord. We don't know yet how it will affect her future vision but we are praying for complete healing of her eye.

Today she is opening her eyes a little. Yesterday she would not open them unless the doctor put drops in her eyes. She squints at bright lights but I'm so relieved to see her blue eyes again!

I know this isn't my usual blogging material, but right now I'm not feeling up to sharing recipes. Will you remember our little girl in your prayers?


  1. Oh my--eye injuries are so scary! My second oldest had a sharp object poked in his eye when he was quite little. It turned out ok, but was a heart stopping experience. Praying for her complete recovery!!!!!!

  2. Oh, the poor dear! It's so scary when things happen to our kids, especially something as delicate as their eyes. I'll pray for a speedy recovery.

  3. Sorry, what a big scare if you're little ones have accidents/are sick. May you continue to trust in God to make all things well.

  4. I definitely will pray for her. Things like this are so scary!

  5. I have prayed for your sweet little one. I know you are were definitely scared. God bless.

  6. I will pray that the Lord will restore her vision. What a scary thing for such a little girl (and her family)!

  7. Praying that God will continue to heal her eyesight...quite scary indeed and different than recipes, but thank you for letting us know!

    ~eunice b

  8. Absolutely!


    PS: eye problems are a scary thing. especially as children. I suffer a corneal ulcer. since I was a toddler. so I know how she feels. exactly.

  9. Thank You Dear Lord that you have given this precious child of Yours, eyes to see Your awesome creation!

  10. As someone who is currently undergoing vision-related challenges, I can empathize with the worry you (and she) are feeling. I will definitely pray for your little girl's healing and peace of mind. We have a loving heavenly Father. He is Jehovah Rapha, the God that heals.

  11. Oh yes! I'm praying right now. I'm so thankful that she has her vision and that God has blessed her with sight again.

  12. Poor baby! I will be praying.

  13. Your precious little girl is in our prayers for healing and full recovery. Blessings and God's comfort to you and your sweet family...

  14. Lifting her and your family in prayer. so sorry for her pain , hoping she heals quickly.

  15. Poor deary! I'm so sorry she has had to suffer like that :( We'll be praying for her!

  16. Lots of prayers going up for your little one! Hugs CQ

  17. Poor baby! Of course you can't share recipes - I wouldn't either!! Prayers for you and yours.

  18. What a terrible fright for you ! So glad she is OK,reminds me of the day 40 years ago when my 3 year old son dropped a paving slab on his thumb.

  19. Father, we ask You to completely heal this eye injury, with no loss of vision. We will be careful to give You all the glory and honor for your mercy in this healing we request. At the same time, we ask that you would improve our spiritual vision to see You and Your will more clearly....and then the obedience to follow You daily. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

  20. I was praying for her before I even finished reading the post! I hope she will have complete healing. Keep us informed :0)

  21. God bless her!!

  22. Yes, I'm praying for her today. So scary! We so often take our health and all related things for granted.

  23. Oh my goodness, how scary that must be. Poor little sweetie. I'm so glad she's in good hands and I know the Lord was right there with her. I'll be praying she gets better and better and is able to see more and more. I so enjoy your blog and appreciate all the time it takes for you to post all your yummy recipes. And I love seeing how your garden is growing and all. So to see this I just had to let you know I am thinking good healing thoughts and lifting your little one up in prayer.

  24. Warm thoughts and prayers. Jesus is the Healer! So thankful for the improvement He's given your daughter.

  25. Lensa Simesso from EthiopiaMay 31, 2013 at 9:25 AM

    Sorry for the happening but no worries, for the kids it is common passing through different scary process. She will be fine and I will promise to pray for your faith and strengthen in you and get her joy back to the beautiful girl. All is well, God is in Control.

  26. Praying for her and a quick recovery.

  27. praying that she will be fine soon

    shelley p
    from over the pond

  28. So sorry, how scary this must have been for everyone. Hope she has a quick recovery.
    Laura C

  29. I brought my eldest two (10 & 7) over the computer, and had them read your post, and then we all prayed for your daughter together. Funny how God works to bring us out of ourselves; not ten minutes ago my oldest was crying because three of his friends just sent word that they aren't coming to his birthday party today because of illness. He wasn't interested in praying for their recovery because he was feeling too sorry for himself, but after reading your post, he was ready to pray for your daughter AND his friends, and his attitude is completely changed. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to pray!

    I'm so sorry that your daughter was injured. Eye injuries are scary; we've had one of those, too. You've got one mom and two kids in Washington praying for a full recovery and no more pain. My daughter's prayer - direct quote - "Please don't let her eyes get badder, but let them get better."


  30. Praise God she is alright! It's so hard when it's our kids! Hang in there and I'll continue praying.
    Annie in CA

  31. Each day we are faced with new challenges as our children grow. I pray for your daughters speedy recovery.

  32. Oh my goodness! That must be terrifying! Your daughter is in my prayers.

  33. Praying for her complete healing!

  34. Praying for your little one's healing and guidance for the doctors! Hugs to you all!!!

  35. Oh my goodness....bless her baby heart! We will definitely keep your sweet girl in our prayers!

  36. So sorry to hear of your daughter's injury. I'll be praying for her healing. Please keep us updated on her progress.

    Laura in VA

  37. I am praising the Lord with you!! So sad for her, it must of really hurt and scared her so much.
    Keep us posted!
    Blessings, Roxy

  38. Really scary day for your family. May the Lord heal her eyes completely. Glad she liked the hospital gown. : )

  39. I pray she'll be able to be her beautiful little self again. I'm sure everything will turn out OK!!!

  40. I pray every time your baby girl comes to mind. Please let us know how she is. Of course I pray for all of you as well.
    God bless,


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