
Thursday, February 23, 2012

What we did with all that Chicken

Kelly asked what we did with the case of chicken that I struggled to purchase last week.

Some of it was marinated and frozen for quick meals of grilled chicken. But the majority was turned into chicken marsala, added to a plateful of garlic smashed potatoes and roasted green beans, and served at a sweetheart dinner last Saturday.

I've wanted to host a sweetheart dinner for the couples at our church. With our home addition, we now  have the space.

I knew the task was too big for just Ed and I. We asked another couple to join us in hosting the meal and they graciously agreed. Regina is one of those who can make food look too good to eat. Our husbands both are comfortable in the kitchen and we joke about starting Gina and Gina's Catering.

Besides our chicken entree, we served salad, bread (of course) with dipping oil, Russian creme and two kinds of cake.

My brother and sister provided us with violin music with our dinner.

 A crackling fire was the perfect accompaniment. My feet were weary by the end of the evening but a project tackled with my sweetheart and joined with good friends is time well spent.


  1. What a beautiful table!! I'm sure everyone was blessed
    by your servants heart, and wonderful food.
    God bless,

  2. The food looks wonderful the table beautiful and the fire nice and cozy! What a wonderful time it must have been for you all.
    Oh and I make your breds all the time, thank you!

  3. I just have to "ditto" Jeanna!!! Just lovely...(((sigh)))...and yummy...
    Gina and Gina catoring...hmmm great potential there!
    Beautiful job, all!!

  4. Can I come to your church?!?! :-) Looks like a very special evening, with all the little touches, delicious, beautiful food and wonderful company, I'm sure! What a wonderful way to bless your friends!

    ~eunice b

  5. What a great idea! I hope you had time to enjoy some of the food and company too.

  6. Wow! What a big big job. And absolutely beautiful!

  7. Lovely lovely table!! Looks so inviting and yummy!! What fun, I am sure your friends were very blesssed!!

  8. Hummmmm j'aimerai bien être à votre table !!!!

    bisous bisous de France

  9. Is there a possiblity you would share the chicken marsala you made?...Your table and food looks absolutely wonderful!..

    Thank you so much

  10. Unknown -
    You can find the chicken marasasa recipe here.

  11. Wow!! What an understatement to say that was Beautiful!!
    If I lived closer I would be inviting myself over for next year!'
    What a blessing it must have been.

  12. Lucky couples! Your table looks so beautiful and you and your friends created beautiful food. What a treat for the couples in your church. :-)

  13. Hi, Gina

    It made me happy just looking at the pictures. I was so disappointed that we couldn't be there, so I hosted my own little party. It is a lot of work, but so fun to spoil others :) May you be blessed!

  14. So sweet! Food, friends and fun fellowship!

  15. You and your husband and friends created such a perfectly lovely, elegant evening! Your lucky guests were spoiled! The food looks to die for, the decorations are gorgeous, and the whole ambiance is so tranquil and relaxing. Not to mention how nice it was of your brother and sister to enhance your evening with their musical talents! What a special treat for your church...this will be a beautiful memory they can hold onto forever.

  16. Gorgeous! What a glowy, charming table. (And yummy food!) I'm sure everyone had a perfect evening! Thanks for doing that. A couple at our church hosted a special sweetheart dinner for couples this year, and it was SUCH a blessing. May God bless you for your time and energy and ministry!

  17. Gina,
    I haven't been reading blogs lately, and want to convey to you how beautiful everything looked! What talent! Looks as though everyone should have had a great time!!!!

    Debbie S.


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