
Friday, May 6, 2011

New blog - PA history books

I love to talk about books.

Maybe you've noticed.

I have to restrain myself to keep from turning this blog into a book blog. I try to keep it down to one book post a week.

My other love is history, especially local history. I happen to live in a state blessed with a fascinating history. I was doubly blessed to have a dad who loves history and made the subject come alive.

While there is plenty of dry boring history books, there is many other books that allow you to experience the sights, sounds and emotions of the past.

I'm pulling my love for books, history, and my state together into a website celebrating the Pennsylvania's history through living books.

I hope you come visit PA History Alive. Even if you do not live in Pennsylvania, many of the events in Pennsylvania impacted the history of our nation. I plan to review some of my favorite living history books about Pennsylvania, mostly children's books, but there may be some adult books as well. I hope it can be a resource for homeschoolers, parents, and anyone looking for a good history book.

Right now, the site is rather empty. I don't expect to blog there as often as at Home Joys but I have a goal of adding to it each week, until I run out of books to review - which with my stack will be a LONG time. I'd love if you would stop by and subscribe so you can keep up with the new additions. And if you know another history buff, please feel free to share the link!

But most of all, I'd love to hear your book suggestions. I'd especially enjoy knowing about rare or unknown books. Just last week, a friend shared with me a book written by a family member telling of an ancestor's life during the Civil War. To me, book finds like this are like hitting a gold vein! Even better, she said it was available on Paperback Swap! Gotta love friends like that!

So come on over and welcome PA History Alive. Share your feedback on how it could be better organized. And find a new book to learn from the past.


  1. I live in PA, as well! Thank you for sharing the site with me! I also love finding fantastic books! At times, I will find some at the thrift store! I need more bookshelves!
    Although it may say it somewhere in your blog, I don't have the time now to look...but I just wondered if and what sort of curriculum you use with homeschooling? I use the Mennonite curriculum Christian Light Education and just love it! Next year, we are doing our history and science differently though. :) I just thought if you hadn't heard of it, you may like that curric. too. Warm wishes to you for a lovely weekend!

  2. Can't seem to find PA History Alive. I just put that in Google search. Is this how I find it?

  3. This is great, Gina!

    I love history and PA so it will be a win/win for me!


  4. Me, too! A lover of books and history, that is. ;) Are you on Ooooo, you'll love it! You can look for me on it if you want - I stopped by through The Homeschool Lounge's Blogging Basics links.
    Melyssa from

  5. Katy -
    I use a variety of homeschool curriculum - including some from Christian Light Education. Maybe I should write a post on curriculum. Though that might bore to death those that aren't fasinated with books like you and I! I too love to find used books. Sometimes they are better then the new ones!

    Gwynn -
    You can click on the link in the post. Or go to The site is so new that google probably couldn't find it!


  6. Looks fantastic Gina! How exciting :)

  7. I'm excited about this! I did barely any PA history with Kbug this year, mainly because I couldn't find any *interesting* books at the library! So thanks!

    One book I did really love (and Kbug didn't want me to stop reading to her!) was called "Who Was Harriet Tubman." We got it at the Besore library, and it was definitely exciting! Not about PA history in particular, but since Harriet was born in Maryland and then crossed the state line into Pennsylvania to be free (until a new slave law), there is some local history.

  8. Ruth -
    Thanks for the book suggestion! I definitely consider the underground railroad as part of PA's history!

  9. I've been reading your blog for some time from my reader and I had no idea you lived in PA, like me.

    Thanks so much for the history blog. This will be a joy to read as well as Home Joys!

  10. Hey! I'm in Western PA! I'm definitely going to go check out your new blog! I just so enjoy reading your blog! It's packed with so much information!

  11. Your new blog is fascinating! I don't live in PA, so I have a lot to learn. And I love your book posts! I'm *always* happy to hear from another book lover!

  12. Thanks! We are in western PA, so I'm sure this will be useful :)


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