
Friday, May 13, 2011

Just a Note

Blogger has had some issues this week. For some reason, I lost the comments on the sourdough waffle post and the post itself went back to the draft folder.

I didn't mean to ignore your comments and appreciate those of you who expressed concern at my absence. We have been crazy busy - or maybe a better explanation would be that there has been other priorities than blogging to take my attention!

I probably don't say it enough - you all are the best! Your visits to this little blog, your comments and words of encouragement just bless my socks off! If I didn't have so many other things to do, I'd love to interact more on your blogs and be better at returning emails. But know that I appreciate you so very much! Thank you!



  1. Actually blogger is being a pain all around. I have been unable to comment on any blogs until today.

  2. Missed you this week, but I understand about the busyness. It's just that time of year. Hope next week is a little more calm for you.

  3. Thank you for commenting at Semicolon. You have a lovely blog and a lovely family.


I love to hear from you.