
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Flower Cake

I loved all your ideas and tips for birthday cakes! Quite a few of you mentioned freezing a cake before frosting. I tried it yesterday and it really did seem to help the crumbs-in-frosting problem.

I decided to make cupcakes, though my oldest daughter thought her little sister should have a "real" cake for her second birthday. (I always make cupcakes for my children's first birthdays.) I had some extra batter which I poured into a Pyrex bowl. I used the bowl cake part for the center of a flower and the cupcakes for the flower petals and leaves. It was super simple (which was all I thought I could handle yesterday) and,as several of you mentioned, children appreciate anything!

At least this little girl looks pleased!


  1. Looks great, Gina! I like the bigger cake for the flower's center... and my kids would be smiling to see gumdrops too! ;-)

    Happy Birthday!

  2. what a beautiful little girl! great cake

  3. It turned out great! She looks delighted with her cake!

    Very nice!


  4. Super cute and the birthday girl couldn't look any happier!! ;)

  5. What a beautiful idea. I think I will borrow that for an upcoming birthday!

  6. dear gina,
    what a sweet little girl!!!!
    the cupcakes and the bigger cake looks very delicious,

  7. I love the cake, it came out great! Your little girl looks extremely happy with it.

    She is beautiful.

  8. That's a very happy face! Even though it takes imagination to figure out what some of my past cakes have been (like the pirates treasure chest, or my attempt at a caterpiller), the kids have always loved them and appreciate the effort. It's so much better than the icky painted cakes that you can buy.

  9. Would you look at that expression! :) What a darling little girlie and a lovely cake!

  10. Gina, that is perfectly sweet! I am bookmarking this to remember when my daughter turns 6.


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