
Friday, August 13, 2010

Showers of Blessing

I know you have heard a lot of whining from me about the drought this summer. 

Yesterday I woke to the beautiful sound of water running through the rain gutter! There couldn't possibly be a more lovely symphony! I could almost imagine the crunchy grass giving a sigh of relief at the refreshing rain.

Best of all, this wasn't just the 1/4 inch shower that dries up an hour later. By this morning we had almost 2 1/2 inches of rain in the gauge! Thank you, Lord!

I sure won't ever ask to repeat a hot dry summer like this one, but maybe we need a year like this occasionally to not take little things, like rain drops, for granted. I planned to hang my laundry out today, but you won't hear a murmur of complaint if I have to run my dryer (for the first time in months.)


  1. We heard about the rain from others in your area....what a blessing indeed! Rejoicing with you at God's provision!


  2. Rain is wonderful, especially after a drought. So glad for your 2.5 inches!

  3. We have a lot of that crunchy grass. sure could use some rain here.

  4. Wonderful! So glad you got some rain..the weather here in TN has been so hot and humid little rain and well my garden died this year. We lost one whole garden to hail, then we replanted and lost it all to heat!
    So glad to hear you got some rain!

  5. Whew ~ what a nice rain for you!

    (while we pray for a dry spell here in flooded central Iowa)

  6. So glad to hear that you got such a nice rain. It should really help things to green up.

  7. I just love your blog. You take joy in the simple gifts God sends. How wonderful!

  8. Glad you got some water, we have more than enough. The farm boss drove through water as deep as the hood of his truck (do not try this at home) the other night after evactuating the rental/apartments they manage. He told me yesterday there were cars floating in the parking lot.


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