
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Heart of Home

by Christine White

Lord, let our house be something more
Then just a shelter with a door,
May it's windows glow with light,
Shedding radiance through the night.
Not just a glitter of glass and chrome,
But give it the "feel" of a happy home.

Let it have flowers, a well-loved book,
Soft cushions in a quiet nook.
May it be more than downy bed,
Or snowy cloth with silver spread;
Lend it some smiles, warm sympathy
With kindly thought, true charity-
That all may recall, though far they roam,
That God was there - in the heart of home.

This week I haven't felt like much of a homemaker. Some of the children have been sick and caring for them, doctor visits, and interrupted nights have left not much time or energy for anything beyond the basics! If it wasn't for post dated posts, it would have been rather quiet here on this blog. Our children have been so healthy that it takes a week like this one to really see how blessed we are! We are still awaiting some test results but I think (hope) we are on the road to recovery. I had typed up this poem last week and I thought of it often these last days. I'm so glad that homemaking isn't just about freshly baked bread and spotless kitchen floors, or I would have been a miserable failure this week! I only survived by the help of a husband, sister, and freezer meals! But placing God at the heart of our home is something all of us can do! And a God-centered life is really the only worthwhile life anyway! May He be praised!

1 comment:

  1. praying you all ARE on the road to recovery! blessings to you, dear friend, and yes, you're quite a Godly example of a homemaker! :-)



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